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Among the many reasons to visit our territory and among the many attractions offered, the Fossil Museum of Bolca is perhaps the one that leaves the visitor most surprised. Because in an area famous mainly for its food and wine riches, one does not expect to find a museum that contains fossils and artifacts dating back to over 50 million years ago. For more than 300 years the Cerato family has preserved and guarded over 1500 fossil finds of fish and plants admired by researchers from all over the world. It seems hard to think but over 50 million years ago this was a coastal area! The plant species found, over 270, include tropical plants, algae, palm trees.


Near the museum it is possible to reach the Pesciara, one of the richest and most important fossil deposits in the world, containing plants and fish that reveal the unsuspected marine past of this area. The fascinating visit will make adults and children understand how the extraction of a fossil takes place, trying for themselves the search for one of them.

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